Wednesday, 30 May 2012

The Museum

Today Room 15 and Room 6 went on a trip to the Museum. When Room 15 and Room 6 got there we hopped of the bus and got into our lines.When we did that we went into the Museum and went to our first activity. Room 15 hopped in the Cosmodome, we sat down and watched all of the star passing by. When we saw all of the stars passing by someone was telling us all of the stars just like Matariki. Also he told all of us that blue stars are hotter than red stars. He told showed us the stars people use to navigate to New Zealand. After that he told us about the 7 sister. The 7 sister are Matariki. She is the mum she is the boss of the 6 sister.When we are finished that he showed us all of the planets like the sun and Venus and Mars and the Milky Way. When we finished we hopped out and said goodbye.

1 comment:

  1. This week we are asking teens Around the World about their town.

    Is there a good cinema near you?
    Are there any places to hang out?
    Are there any green spaces?
    Are there any good shops?
    Are there any places to do sport?
    Is there any good music?
    Are there any good dance vennues?
